A comprehensive Clojure client for the entire Amazon AWS api. - mcohen01/amazonica
Sample front and backend for uploading files to Amazon S3 via pre-signed URL - jkahn117/aws-presigned-url-upload An AWS S3 package for pre-signed upload purpose in Laravel and PHP. - UniSharp/s3-presigned We setup the AWS account, configure ExAws, put, list, get and delete objects. Upload large files with multipart uploads, generate presigned urls and process large S3 objects on the fly. This is the demo of how I created my Presigned URL and how to use it. Original post: https://blog…o-integrate-amazon-s3-presignaws-sign4 | Quickdocsquickdocs.org/aws-sign4(let ((aws-sign4:*aws-credentials* (lambda () (values "Akiaiosfodnn7Example" "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7Mdeng/Bpxrficyexamplekey")) (aws-sign4:aws-sign4 :region :eu-west-1 :service :s3 :host "s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com" :path "/some-bucket/some-file… Unofficial AWS SDK for Crystal. Contribute to sdogruyol/aws development by creating an account on GitHub.
Python YubiKey AWS signature library. Contribute to pyauth/exile development by creating an account on GitHub. Provides Ruby endpoints for aws-s3-multipart Uppy plugin - janko/uppy-s3_multipart Ruby on rails app using aws-sdk-ruby. Contribute to minio/ror-resumeuploader-app development by creating an account on GitHub. A multi-player game sample (server and client), developed with the Unity game engine, illustrating basic integration with Amazon GameLift. View the sample source code or build the project and experiment with game server deployment on the… Contribute to monashcode/show-your-emotions-with-rekognition development by creating an account on GitHub. I'm using AWS Snowball to transfer my data to AWS. How can I transfer my data onto my Snowball Edge device?
import S3 import Vapor /// Class responsible for handling AWS S3 final class AwsController: RouteCollection { // MARK: - Properties private let awsConfig: AwsConfig // MARK: - Inits init(awsConfig: AwsConfig) { self.awsConfig = awsConfig… // Set request parameters for content-disposition. reqParams := make(url.Values) reqParams.Set("response-content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"your-filename.txt\"" // Generates a presigned url which expires in a day. Ruby AWS::SDK Examples (aws-sdk gem ~>2)¶ Recommend:amazon s3 - AWS S3 + Cloudfront streaming, updating a file ived, a didReceiveData() delegate is called. An Ingress is a core concept (in beta) of Kubernetes. Python YubiKey AWS signature library. Contribute to pyauth/exile development by creating an account on GitHub. Provides Ruby endpoints for aws-s3-multipart Uppy plugin - janko/uppy-s3_multipart
Amazon Web Services Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Rescue for Linux is a python-based tool that allows for the automatic diagnosis of common problems found on EC2 Linux instances. - awslabs/aws-ec2rescue-linux A comprehensive Clojure client for the entire Amazon AWS api. - mcohen01/amazonica An Elixir library to sign and verify HTTP requests using AWS Signature V4 - handnot2/sigaws This repository has samples that demonstrate various aspects of the AWS SDK for iOS, you can get the SDK source on Github https://github.com/aws-amplify/aws-sdk-ios/ - awslabs/aws-sdk-ios-samples Simple no frills AWS S3 Golang Library using REST with V4 Signing (without AWS Go SDK) - rhnvrm/simples3 Learn how to generate Amazon S3 pre-signed URLs for both occasional one-off use cases and for use in your application code. Amazon Web Services recently published an E-Book on modern application development. In short, this guide explains the significance of digital transformation and how it can reinvent how your business delivers value.
Dockerized and K8s version of https://github.com/Ihtsdo/snowstorm - gpalli/snowstorm